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Trentham Electrical & Solar | Solar Energy Installation Macedon Ranges, Daylesford, Central Victoria

Grid Connected Solar & Batteries

Rooftop Solar (PV) Systems

The most popular type of solar power system that we service is a grid-connected system. These are made up of solar panels installed on your roof that produce electricity from the sun. The electricity is converted by inverters so you can use it to power your home appliances.
If you produce more energy than you need, it's sent back into the electricity grid. At night or when the panels aren't producing enough electricity, your home will automatically draw power from the grid.
Unlike other systems, grid-connected solar power systems don't have a backup battery.

Battery Storage Solar Systems

Trentham Electrical & Solar offers two types of battery systems: DC-coupled hybrids and AC-coupled systems.
DC hybrids connect solar panels and batteries directly to the inverter. During a power outage, a DC hybrid system will continue to generate electricity, while the sun is shining, to charge the batteries and power the loads.
AC coupled systems are added to existing solar, but won't generate electricity during outages.
We can help you choose the best system for your needs.

Energy Rebates

Did you know that solar systems are eligible for various incentives? Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) is the official term of what is commonly deemed Australia's residential solar rebate, what most don’t know is that these can apply for both on AND off grid:

$1400 PV rebate
$1000 Heat pump hot water rebate
$1400 Interest free loan (for PV only)
$8800 Interest free loan for battery install

Chat to us about your eligibility for Solar Vic incentives. 

Electronic Vehicle Chargers & Install

We can source and install a state-of-the-art EV charging system that integrates seamlessly with your solar panels.
Utilise your solar excess and charge your electric vehicle using clean and renewable energy, while also reducing your carbon footprint.

Our Approach:

At Trentham Electrical & Solar, we don't just sell grid-connected solar systems without first considering important factors such as your property's electricity usage data, roof layout, and shading issues.
We log into the Powercor portal to access hourly usage data from your bill to identify your electricity needs. This enables us to design a system tailored to your actual usage and to mitigate any issues.

For instance, if you have high usage during the day, we may recommend a PV system without a battery, while low usage during the day but high at night would suggest a battery is necessary.

Once we have designed a system that covers your household usage, we can then scale it to your budget and provide you with multiple options to choose from.
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All our solar proposals will give you the most accurate information about your project, so you can make the most informed decision.

Not only will we outline all the proposed products for your installation -  but our proposal will also outline usage, cost comparisons and environmental impact.

Trentham Electrical & Solar | Solar Energy Installation Macedon Ranges, Daylesford, Central Victoria
Trentham Electrical & Solar | Solar Energy Installation Macedon Ranges, Daylesford, Central Victoria

Start Your Solar Journey Today

Get in touch to discuss your needs.

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